Wednesday 10 September 2014

Audience Research for Preliminary Task (Q&A)

Notes from what teachers and students (school magazine)

Staff: Miss Longhirst

Colour: They would like to see clear, simple and a consistent colour scheme.

Articles: Miss Longhirst said she would like to see articles about current news in the schools local area.

Images: They would like the images used to be detailed and using bright colours.

Layout: A traditional layout would be preferred.

Extra pointers – extra success stories form students, e.g. GCSE results and changes around the school. Miss Longhirst said she would prefer the magazine to be written by students and thought it would also be a good to share students work, e.g. artwork. Finally they recommended a student guide to help out younger pupils.

Staff: Anonymous

Colour: They said they would like the scheme to be nice and bright.

Articles: Promotion of reading for pleasure and advertising newly released books. They would also prefer students to write the articles. Use catty language to appeal to students but no slang should be used. Different events around the school would be good to inform other faculties that may be unaware. Praising students work inside the magazine would be a good idea as it would make them feel appreciated. Explaining current world news for students who may not understand it too well would also be a good idea also.

Tone of the magazine: Not too formal, use standard English at the least.

Extra pointers: avoid celebrities/bad influences being inside the magazine as it might not set a good example for younger students. Article titles look better on the front but if you are struggling for room you could put a couple of articles on the front cover instead. Make the overall design look professional but not to the extremes of intimidating students.  If the magazine is written using chatty language it will seem friendlier but no slang should be used at all.

Staff: Miss McAlaney

Colour: They suggested the school colours to make the magazine more recognisable.

Articles: They suggested book reviews, success from students and they would also like the articles to be written by students. They would also want students work to be praised. Formal would be good for how the magazine is written but it could be slightly informal on sections aimed at younger students. Praise students work.

Extra pointers – You could hold writing competitions and offer prizes like theme park tickets, also hold competitions for student to design the front cover.

Student: KS5

Colour: colder colours are more professional looking whereas bright vibrant colours are quite tacky looking. Keep the colours consistent throughout the magazine on the layout but do not overdo it as it will become boring. School colours are also good.

Articles: Changes around the school, information and opportunities to achieve UCAS points, advertise open days at universities and information on extra-curricular activities. You could have interviews with teachers about help with work and also interviews with examiners on how to achieve the highest grades within your answers. They would want the magazine to be written by students.

Extra pointers – They would prefer the magazine to more traditional and common and not contain articles on the front.

Student: KS4

Colour: They would like the colour scheme to be bright.

Articles: They would like them to be written by students and include school gossip also how well the school is doing. They said they would like it to be written informally.

Extra pointers – include puzzles and quizzes throughout the magazine with prices like theme park tickets and include a letter from the principle.


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