Wednesday 24 September 2014

'Science Suggests Metal Fans And Classical Fans Are Identical Personality-Wise'

A new study done by scientists over at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh has delved into proving that classical fans and metal fans are deep down very similar people, according to an interview done by The Guardian.
The study consisted of a research team speaking to 36,000 people from six different countries about the music they listened to in order to come to their conclusion. I'll let the lead researcher do a little bit of the talking here to clarify.
"The general public has held a stereotype of heavy metal fans being suicidally depressed and a danger to themselves and society in general," explained Adrian North, the professor who led the study. "But they are quite delicate things."
Metal fans, like classical listeners, tend to be creative, gentle people, at ease with themselves. "We think the answer is that both types of music, classical and heavy metal, have something of the spiritual about them — they're very dramatic — a lot happens," North said to the BBC.

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