Friday 24 October 2014

Image Deconstruction: Amon Amarth

The basic appearance of the artists was intentional as they're meant to look scruffy and un-groomed as it is part of their image. They beards are also a large part of their image as it adds to their burly look. Their shirts are intentionally tight to show their physique as they aren't intending on being shown as scrawny because they are representing burly Vikings.

The first thing that you notice about this picture is the strong use of the colour black, the artists are dressed fully in black and the background of the shoot is also black. This contrasts heavily against the artists light coloured hair and fair skin so it makes them stand out more. The main intention of the heavy use of the colour black is to make the artists look intimidating.

The angle that the picture is taken from is from a low angle to give the artists more height and make them look larger overall. This is again to make them look more intimidating and potentially aggressive.

The way the artists have been directed to stand was very intentional for the they photographer was trying to achieve. The are all stood closely but you are still able to see all of their body shapes and sizes. They are also purposefully in a specific way, not in any placement of their choosing but the way they have been placed would be similar to their on stage placement. With the singer at the front, the two guitarists by either side, the bassist a bit
further back and the drummer right at the back.

The way they all have their arms is very purposeful as well as they are all hunching their shoulders to make them look bigger as well as clenching their fists to add tension to the picture. Their facial expressions are also very intimidating as they are all making direct eye contact and aren't smiling at all to again reinforce their intimidating look as this is a key convention for bands within the same or similar genre.  

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