Monday 20 October 2014

Current magazine ideas

What to include in music magazine:

Price: £4.75


Magazine that match a similar genre and target audience share the same price. This means that as soon as my target audience becomes aware of my magazine, the price will not put them off.



It is a clean font but has a slightly grungy feel to it to it will appeal to the magazines target audience and purpose. Some people may misread this but member of my target audience will recognize the significance and meaning behind this font and name.

Colour Scheme: Monochrome//Sepia


I would mainly use monochrome with highlights of sepia. The hue used would symbolise the effect of aging, which would relate to my target audience as metal is not as popular as it once was. My target audience grew up with metal so it is aging at the same rate as they are and the sepia and monochrome will show this well I think.


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